Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Top Command in Linux

 top -u <username>

while running - 

type c in running top command to see command full path

d - delay (refreshed every 5 secs)

h - help

k -kill the process while command running

z - color out all fields

press 1 - to split up usage as per CPUs

r - to renice  - change the priority of the process

shift i -> how many CPUs are detected   (command lscpu is used for same)

top -o <Column name (%CPU)>   -- sort with column

command - 

to check OS release and version

release - cat /etc/os-release

root@hxdp-ts:~# cat /proc/meminfo

MemTotal:        8168480 kB

MemFree:         2149488 kB

MemAvailable:    5621328 kB

Buffers:          621196 kB

Cached:          3707840 kB

SwapCached:         1780 kB



Saturday, May 29, 2021

 NFS Server

NFS v3 and NFS v4


what is role of root_squash option 

Explain nfsstat command 

What is nfs and what is its purpose?

What is autofs and its advnatage ?

What is default permission applied on the user when you mount nfs permission on any local directory in your system.

What is the difference between nfs share and samba share 

What is hard mount and soft mount in nfs 

I am unable to mount nfs share. How you will trace out the reason ?

What is the role of all_squash option ?

Why to use NFS ?

What is the default port of nfs server ?

What are different versions of NFS versions ? (nfs2, nfs3 and nfs4)

what are different options used in /etc/exports file?

What is pnfs ?

What is difference between hard mount and soft mount in nfs ?