Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Top Command in Linux

 top -u <username>

while running - 

type c in running top command to see command full path

d - delay (refreshed every 5 secs)

h - help

k -kill the process while command running

z - color out all fields

press 1 - to split up usage as per CPUs

r - to renice  - change the priority of the process

shift i -> how many CPUs are detected   (command lscpu is used for same)

top -o <Column name (%CPU)>   -- sort with column

command - 

to check OS release and version

release - cat /etc/os-release

root@hxdp-ts:~# cat /proc/meminfo

MemTotal:        8168480 kB

MemFree:         2149488 kB

MemAvailable:    5621328 kB

Buffers:          621196 kB

Cached:          3707840 kB

SwapCached:         1780 kB

